Some sounds of Melodica

Here sounds with bad quality

(easier to download)

Fonky............. (.wav 170 Ko)
Trils effects............ (.wav 64 Ko)
Chords effects............. (.wav 48 Ko)
La danse des 7 sauts... (.wav 375 Ko)
A traditionnal song from the basque country.

Happy birthday............ (.wav 250 Ko)
The lambada............... (.wav 80 Ko)
The Souillard's jingle............... (.wav 85 Ko)

Here sounds with a better quality

(longer to dowload)

indifférence (a french "valse musette")....... (.wav 1.2 Mo)
La java bleue (another "valse")............ (.wav 700 ko)

Theses tunes belong to theirs composers.